DNS Diagnostic CLI command

dcdiag /test:dns /v
PS C:\Users\Administrator> dcdiag /test:dns /v
Directory Server Diagnosis
Performing initial setup:
Trying to find home server...
* Verifying that the local machine ad, is a Directory Server.
Home Server = ad
* Connecting to directory service on server ad.
* Identified AD Forest.
Collecting AD specific global data
* Collecting site info.
Calling ldap_search_init_page(hld,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ciscoar,DC=onprem,LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,(objectCategor
The previous call succeeded
Iterating through the sites
Looking at base site object: CN=NTDS Site Settings,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ciscoar
Getting ISTG and options for the site
* Identifying all servers.
Calling ldap_search_init_page(hld,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=ciscoar,DC=onprem,LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,(objectClass=n
The previous call succeeded....
The previous call succeeded
Iterating through the list of servers
Getting information for the server CN=NTDS Settings,CN=AD,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Config
objectGuid obtained
InvocationID obtained
dnsHostname obtained
site info obtained
All the info for the server collected
* Identifying all NC cross-refs.
* Found 1 DC(s). Testing 1 of them.
Done gathering initial info.
Doing initial required tests
Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\AD
Starting test: Connectivity
* Active Directory LDAP Services Check
Determining IP4 connectivity
* Active Directory RPC Services Check
......................... AD passed test Connectivity
Doing primary tests
Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\AD
Test omitted by user request: Advertising
Test omitted by user request: CheckSecurityError
Test omitted by user request: CutoffServers
Test omitted by user request: FrsEvent
Test omitted by user request: DFSREvent
Test omitted by user request: SysVolCheck
Test omitted by user request: KccEvent
Test omitted by user request: KnowsOfRoleHolders
Test omitted by user request: MachineAccount
Test omitted by user request: NCSecDesc
Test omitted by user request: NetLogons
Test omitted by user request: ObjectsReplicated
Test omitted by user request: OutboundSecureChannels
Test omitted by user request: Replications
Test omitted by user request: RidManager
Test omitted by user request: Services
Test omitted by user request: SystemLog
Test omitted by user request: Topology
Test omitted by user request: VerifyEnterpriseReferences
Test omitted by user request: VerifyReferences
Test omitted by user request: VerifyReplicas
Starting test: DNS
DNS Tests are running and not hung. Please wait a few minutes...
See DNS test in enterprise tests section for results
......................... AD passed test DNS
Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
Test omitted by user request: CheckSDRefDom
Test omitted by user request: CrossRefValidation
Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
Test omitted by user request: CheckSDRefDom
Test omitted by user request: CrossRefValidation
Running partition tests on : Schema
Test omitted by user request: CheckSDRefDom
Test omitted by user request: CrossRefValidation
Running partition tests on : Configuration
Test omitted by user request: CheckSDRefDom
Test omitted by user request: CrossRefValidation
Running partition tests on : ciscoar
Test omitted by user request: CheckSDRefDom
Test omitted by user request: CrossRefValidation
Running enterprise tests on : ciscoar.onprem
Starting test: DNS
Test results for domain controllers:
DC: ad.ciscoar.onprem
Domain: ciscoar.onprem
TEST: Authentication (Auth)
Authentication test: Successfully completed
TEST: Basic (Basc)
The OS
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard (Service Pack level: 0.0)
is supported.
NETLOGON service is running
kdc service is running
DNSCACHE service is running
DNS service is running
DC is a DNS server
Network adapters information:
[00000001] Intel(R) 82574L Gigabit Network Connection:
MAC address is 00:0C:29:79:74:0F
IP Address is static
IP address:
DNS servers: (ad.ciscoar.onprem.) [Valid]
The A host record(s) for this DC was found
The SOA record for the Active Directory zone was found
The Active Directory zone on this DC/DNS server was found primary
Root zone on this DC/DNS server was not found
TEST: Forwarders/Root hints (Forw)
Recursion is enabled
Forwarders Information: (<name unavailable>) [Valid]
TEST: Delegations (Del)
Delegation information for the zone: ciscoar.onprem.
Delegated domain name: _msdcs.ciscoar.onprem.
DNS server: ad.ciscoar.onprem. IP: [Valid]
TEST: Dynamic update (Dyn)
Test record dcdiag-test-record added successfully in zone ciscoar.onprem
Test record dcdiag-test-record deleted successfully in zone ciscoar.onprem
TEST: Records registration (RReg)
Network Adapter
[00000001] Intel(R) 82574L Gigabit Network Connection:
Matching CNAME record found at DNS server
Matching A record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching A record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Matching SRV record found at DNS server
Summary of test results for DNS servers used by the above domain
DNS server: (ad.ciscoar.onprem.)
All tests passed on this DNS server
Name resolution is functional._ldap._tcp SRV record for the forest root domain is registered
DNS delegation for the domain _msdcs.ciscoar.onprem. is operational on IP
DNS server: (<name unavailable>)
All tests passed on this DNS server
Summary of DNS test results:
Auth Basc Forw Del Dyn RReg Ext
Domain: ciscoar.onprem
......................... ciscoar.onprem passed test DNS
Test omitted by user request: LocatorCheck
Test omitted by user request: Intersite
PS C:\Users\Administrator>