SQL Query to Trace ICM Script and Find Last NodeID

Track the Incoming call to the ICM system

  • Following query can be utilized to track the Incoming call to the ICM system
  • Determine the respective Script and the LAST successful or point of failure node involved in routing the given call
  • Helps to track down the call details and attributes for further debugging


Query can be utilized with any of the following combinations

  • Date and Time range + *ANI (Most accurate)
  • ANI
  • DialedNumber String

By dateTime

Select * from t_Route_Call_Detail where DateTime between '2020-04-29 13:00' and '2020-04-29 13:30’

by Given DateTime with ANI

Select * from t_Route_Call_Detail where DateTime >'2020-04-29 12:00* and ANI like '*10008%'

by Given DialedNumber String

Select * from t_Route_Call_Detail where DateTime >'2020-04-29 13:00' and DialedNumberString like*9941970776%'

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